

QRCodeReader.swift on CocoaPods.org

QRCodeReader.swift is a simple code reader (initially only QRCode) for iOS in Swift. It is based on the AVFoundation framework from Apple.

QR Code Generator written in Swift 4

QR Code Generator written in Swift 4. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

dagronfQRCode: A quick and beautiful macOSiOStvOS ...

The simplest way to add a stylish QR code to your SwiftUI app. QRCodeViewUI is a SwiftUI view for displaying a qrcode with just the basic styling elements.

QRCode掃起來!. 模仿Line App的QRCode功能

模仿Line App的掃碼功能來掃QRCode,原本Line的掃碼功能是要拿來加入新朋友的,但後來Line進化到什麼QRCode都能掃了(Line真的是什麼都要賺,錢包、購物、 ...

pp#Ex2 Swift QRCode的讀取與生成

首先,就來掃描-讀取QRCode​​ 大多數掃描的過程是利用相機去拍攝影像,再對攝影到的QRCode圖片進行分析,完成的結果再吐出來更進一步的處理,像是打開網頁或複 ...

Swift 4: Scanning QR codes with dictionary inputs

I am trying to scan a qr code that I have generated using Adding Multiple Key-Value Pairs to QR Code as a guide. I can generate the qr code, but when I try to ...

how to share QR created image swift 4 - ios

I am creating QR code in swift and assigning it to an imageView when I try to share that image with generated code, it does not shares that image.


A quick, stylish and beautiful macOS/iOS/tvOS/watchOS QR Code generator/detector library for SwiftUI, Swift and Objective-C.

利用Swift 在iOS 構建獨特漂亮的QR code 視圖

QR Code 是一種認證技術,廣泛應用於行動科技領域中。iOS 內建支援創建帶有Payload 的漂亮QR Code 圖像。在本篇教學中,我們將會學習這個技巧。 QR ...

第11 章使用AVFoundation 框架進行QR Code 掃描

... QR Code 掃描功能。首先開啟 QRScannerController.swift 檔來匯入框架: import AVFoundation. 接著我們需要實作 AVCaptureMetadataOutputObjectsDelegate 協定。我們待 ...